Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Helpful Hank Hummie and Harvey

Howdy all, Helpful Hank Here. I wanted to take a moment and share a nice little Video by TheImperfectArtist and 2 Minute Tales

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Helpful Hank: The Seeds We Sew

The Seeds We Sew

Hello all, Helpful Hank Here,

Well another year has come and gone for me. A year that has been filled with many challenges but with much hope. Friendships hanging by a shoestring now on the mind and friendships stronger then every.

Life is about change and believe me my life has changed plenty. For me this has been a time of growth. However, as the year came to a close I realized how much that I have gained and will gain as a result from this year of change.

I have a birthday tradition that I started back in 1986 after a particularly bad year (1985) and bad beginning to 1986. I decided to send out a birthday letter to my friends and family Thanking them for being a part of my life. Whether they were supportive or the catalyst that set about change, they all affected my life and got me through another year.

Sometimes the only way we will walk through a door is by being shoved through it with a good push on the back. So it’s important to remember and give that’s for those pushes on the back. As, used right, move you to a better place.

Life is always in motion. It is not about living it is about living well. Living well has nothing to do with how much you make. It is about how well you treat others, how strong your faith is in yourself and, in your higher power

Living well means letting go of those things that way you down and holding on to those things that lift you up. It is about not only remembering those lessons learned but using that information to make your life better. It is about taking time to celebrate share and enjoy. Whether you are celebrating a little moment or a grand moment in life or just a life. Whether you are sharing a tear, some laughter or a blue berry poppy seed muffin at Koffee with one of your best friends Share it whole-heartedly. If you are no enjoying your life despite its difficulties or tough times. If you cannot see its bright moments and use them to shine the light on the darkest moments so that you can find you back to those bright moments, then you are not living well. So live well and enjoy life.

I want to share a little project I just finished. I recently found the top of a large ceramic vase jar (The kind you put large bamboo poles in for display.) I’m guessing the rest was broken. There was enough there to use for my project. I took three Bamboo Poles to create my supports. I wrapped them with wire so they stood in a tripod fashion I lined the inside of the vase top covering the opening on the neck with some screen and then some small palm leaves and banana leaves. I filled with dirt mixing in some miracle grow and then gave it a good watering. The next day I planted some Celosia/Cockscomb, and around that, I planted Morning Glory seeds. My hope is that the Morning Glory Seeds having nothing to climb up will climb down the legs and through the wire wrap creating the feeling of cascading water as the flowers fill the planter and trail down the supports, while the celosia, which is flame like in its blooms, will create the feel of fire. Thus giving me the floral equivalent to fire on water. We shall see how it turns out.

The Celosia is a good plant for this climate as it can tolerate the dry hot heat. In addition, The Morning Glories ng Glories like full sun. This is a fairly easy project to do as all you need is some sort of container (preferably one with a v shape to it as those work well in a tripod type stand) 3 good sized pieces of bamboo, some wire, some screen (optional) a few palm or banana leaves, some dirt with a bit of fertilizer mixed in and, your plantings. The trickiest part is getting the wire wrapped so that the stand is stable.

I wanted to mention to All that we are indeed starting to get closer to new local election. You may have already been to a few campaign rallies maybe not. In any event, take a look at candidate for city Council Michael Gallardo. In his current position, he is the Editor of Talk Magazine as well as many other endeavors that he is involved in. He will be on the campaign trail here in Palm Springs and you can probably get a list of his appearances or at least where his next campaign stop is on his face book page. Michael I believe is a hard working individual who feels he can bring about and be a part of change for the better here in Palm Springs. If you catch one of his speeches let him know what you think. This way they know what we as citizens of Palm Springs can make an impact on how our town is run. He’s a good guy he’ll listen. He’s a voice of change.

Well soon I’ll be back to working on my kitchen cabinets again I’ll be glad to get those upper done and this project wrapped up and put to bed. My project after this will be to redo the awnings on the front of the house.

Well that about wraps it up for now. Remember keep the sunscreen on. While we have experienced a little cool down the sun is still out always is. So whether it is sunny, hazy, or cloudy, the sun still comes through with those harmful UV rays so keep the block on. If you get to hot why not go to the movies? It’s air conditioned, your not using your air at home and there are plenty of great movies out right now. I just saw Ice Age dawn of the Dinosaurs in 3D with my best friend and her daughter. We stayed cool and enjoyed a fun movie. It was a nice little break from the heat. Don’t forget to use the valley’s cooling centers.

Oh folks, If you can help out making Sandwiches at Well in the Desert Mondays at 9 we sure could use the help. As, Rev Kev says Many Hands Make for light work or word similar to that.

One last thing, check out nh8wear New Items have been added and you can help Support Marriage equality with each purchase as 10% of the profits go to those charities. You’ll also be supporting that entrepreneurial spirit as this is one of the ways we make our living.

Well till next time folks, Keep cool and enjoy the rest of the summer

Thank you to my readers for all your comments and support on and of my blog.

Helpful Hank
Here’s a tip for you can find out what’s going on in the Coachella Valley at The Desert411. You can desert. With a Comprehensive restaurant guide as well. You can join free and keep abreast of what’s happening here in the desert - HH

You can contact Helpful Hank with Questions, Comments, Tips and, Deals at: Helpful Hank is written by Russell E. Bertlow © 2009 All rights reserved. No portion of this blog may be reprinted in part or whole without the express written permission from Russell E. Bertlow

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Auntie Mame, Mangos and Marketing

Auntie Mame Mangos and Marketing

Hello all, Helpful Hank Here.

Well we all seem to be getting through this heat. With no real cool down in sight Recently, I took care of one of my friends dogs. She stayed with me will my friend was out of town on an over night trip. We had gotten together before hand so that our dogs could me and greet. We got to talking about movies and which ones we enjoyed. I had mention in passing that someday I was going to get my hands on a copy of Auntie Mame with Rosalind Russell. To my surprise, it showed up in my mailbox, a gift from my friend for watching her dog.

It had been a while since I had seen this movie so I was eager to put it in and watch it.

As I watched the movie, I was pleasantly surprised to find it just as witty and entertaining as the first time I watched it. (If you have never seen it and enjoy witty old movies, this one is right up there with the best of them.)
One of the running gags in the movie was about a drink made with honey and how awful it was. To that means, I thought I would share my favorite Summer time drink that I drink to stay cool. Don’t worry theirs no honey in these drinks I reserve the honey for my cornbread. It is a very tasty drink and without the alcohol, it has nutritional value.

The Fruity Cowboy (aka a Redneck): Take a tall glass Fill it with equal parts cranberry juice and lemonade garnish with a wedge of Lime, Lemon or a maraschino cherry. That simple, you can also add Orange juice into this mixture. You can blend it as well for a smoothie or icee. To turn it into a Hi-Octane drink add two shots Vodka In my last blog,

I shared with you how to make Mango cream. I promised my Recipe for Mango Truffels.Here is a recipe for Raspberry Mango Ice cream truffles that is simple and tasty as well.

Raspberry Mango Ice cream Truffles What you will need :

1 ripe Mango
1 cup Karo or corn syrup
1 pint of heavy whipping cream
2 cups dark chocolate chips
3 cups Milk chocolate chips
3/4 cup sweet condensed milk
2 caps full ( apx 2 teaspoons) of cooking oil
3 caps full (apx 1 ½ teaspoon)of raspberry extract.

In a blender blend ½ pint heavy whipping cream, cut up Mango and karo or corn syrup until it starts to form small peaks.

In a double boiler, place two cups of dark chocolate chips and one cup of milk chocolate chips. Mix until mixture becomes liquid. Add in the mango cream mixture and ½ sweet condensed milk, mix untilsmooth.
Pour mixture into a deep plastic storage container Put the lid on and place in freezer for about ½ hour. (It should be set up firm but not hard.)

Taking a spoon or mini Ice cream scoop. Scoop into small balls placing on a tray or dish lined with wax paper. Once you have all you truffle scooped out, cover with wax paper and place back in freezer to firm them up.
While they are in the freezer in the double boiler ( after you have washed it out) combine the rest of your milk chocolate chip with the sweet and condensed milk raspberry extract and cooking oil and melt stirring until mixture is smooth ( melt the chips completely before adding oil milk and raspberry extract) once you have your melted mixture your working time is limited.

Take your truffles out of the freezer and with a candy spoon or a pair of tongs dip each truffle in chocolate swirling till completely covered. Place truffle back on dish. Once you have coated all, cover dish back up and place it back in the freezer for 15 minutes.

The best way to keep these is in a covered container frozen or refrigerated. (They will melt when left out for periods greater then a couple of hours unless it is hot then they will melt much sooner.).

Recently, I have been spending a lot of time between marketing nh8wear and helping out at Bloom In The Deserts office, filling in while someone was on vacation.

I haven’t been able to get back to my cabinets as my thumb is still healing but soon.

My best friend here in the desert Terah has been teaching me about banner rotation and the wonderful world of Banner exchanges. It’s interesting and a good marketing tool. You just have to be careful as, Some of these sites have real limits to size (KB’s )of banner. Some sites only allow 15KB, which basically means a static banner (not animated).

It is always nice to learn something new. Right now I am looking at different banner exchanges and doing a lot of researching for glbt banner exchanges,.( If anyone knows of any glbt banner exchanges for e-commerce fell free to share .) which brings me to my next topic. Learning to do things in a new way.

Many of use are coming to the end or have already come to the end of our unemployment insurance benefits. The smart ones divide their time looking for employment and learning a new skill or craft. Even taking a hobby and trying to turn it into a marketable product or career.

We are not necessarily giving up on the nine to five. However, as the job market gets tougher we are exploring more options. The entrepreneurial spirit is having a great resurgence. That’s a good thing.

Along with that is a more tempered view of the road to success coupled with people willing to put in the time.

We aren’t looking for a get rich scheme or some fast cash. What we are looking to do though is build something that will be a sustainable source of income that can ultimately replace the nine to five giving them a lot more freedom. Some of us have opened on line shops, while others are more into text add exchanges or building blogs and web site or blogging. Some sell their graphics on line. There are a variety of sites to assist you.

We are beginning to look at ourselves in new ways, which, is, and old way of thinking, that got lost along the way. These tough economic times we live if are worse financial and are having a greater impact then the great depression did financially. But, it is all relative to the times. The good news is people are taking more risk on themselves and their abilities and stretching their capabilities. The even better news is that as this recession winds down, (and it is slowly but surely.) we will start to see larger fruit from our labor. We will have created a sustainable income that has great growth potential.

More and more people are exploring different options as far as making an income goes. We have learned to be patience with our process and progress. We don’t expect it to take off over night. We have faith in our ideas. We know we are on the right path even if we make a few missteps. We pick ourselves up and move forward.

Many of us market multiple products and services at first until we fine-tune what are niche is. For some of us it is marketing a few products and services, for other we focus on one product. We spend our time branding our name, service or product. We Tweet and Facebook and so on. We have so many ways we can market and that is a great thing. So to all of you who are like me, trying to create a sustainable income. I say cheers keep that euntrepuneral sprite alive.

Well that about wraps it up folks. Try and stay cool and if you need to use the cooling centers in and around the valley here then do so, as that is what they are there for. If you want to do something great for others Join us down at Well in the Desert Mondays at nine and help make sandwiches for those in need of a good lunch. We have a great time, the people are friendly and you end up feeling good at the end. And in these tough times when it is easy to feel like nothing is going right. Feeling good is a great way to boost you happy quota. They are right down there on Barristo Rd in palm springs. . Till next time this is Helpful Hank signing off. Remember to keep hydrated and to wear sunscreen even if your skin tone is darker. The UV’s can still harm you. Even black people can get sunburned. My son’s mother burns real easy.

You can contact Helpful Hank with Questions, Comments, Tips and, Deals at:

Helpful Hank is written by Russell E. Bertlow © 2009 All rights reserved. No portion of this blog may be reprinted in part or whole without the express written permission from Russell E. Bertlow